
Signing up

Generate a new account and its first user.

How it works

Submit the new account data to the API for processing. An activation email is sent to the new account user, containing a tokened link back to your page. When your page receives the token, it is then posted to the API for activation. Present your log-in page to enable the new user to authenticate.



Your application must have a sign-up URL defined in the dashboard settings. This URL serves as the base activation endpoint for the new account email activation link.

Initiate the signup

Creates the sign-up record and sends an activation email on behalf of your application.


POST /v1/auth/signup
  "domain_id": "dom_1234567890"
  "account_title": "Acme Corp",
  "name": "June Doe",
  "username": "junedoe",
  "password": "eomcpmdp2jp2ijvekklmlkm",
  "email": "",
  "country_id": "US"
domain_idRequired stringThe domain ID for the new account.
account_titleRequired stringThe title for the new account.
nameRequired stringThe name of the person for which the account will be created.
usernameOptional stringThe username for logging into the new account. Usernames must be at least 8 characters and cannot be the password. If empty, the API will create one using the name submitted, and it will be noted in the activation email.
passwordOptional stringThe password for logging into the new account. Passwords must be at least 8 characters and cannot be the username. If empty, the API will generate one, and it will be noted in the activation email.
emailRequired stringThe email address of the person for which the new account is being created. The activation email will be sent to this address.
country_idRequired stringThe country id the new account will be created under.


This token is for your information only. The activation email contains a link with this value.

  "token": "co84fjo3irho2eihcf37hfou"

Upon error, the API will respond with an error object.

// error object
  "error": {

Activate the sign-up

The link provided in the account activation email will contain the token required to submit to the API for validation. Your account activation page should check for the existence of a token value in the page request then immediately post it to the API for activation.

var token = new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash).get('token');


POST /v1/auth/signup-activation
  "token": "co84fjo3irho2eihcf37hfou"
tokenRequired stringThe token provided in the email activation link.


The response will include the associated IDs for your information. You can begin the login process with the new user.

  "account_id": "act_1234567890",
  "user_id": "usr_1234567890",
  "domain_id": "dom_1234567890",
  "version_id": "ver_1234567890",
account_idStringThe new account ID.
account_idStringThe new user ID.
domain_idStringThe domain ID.
version_idStringThe version ID.

Upon error, the API will respond with an error object.

// error object
  "error": {

Signup domains collection

The app schema object contains the domains available for signup.

// app schema object
  "domains": {
    "dom_1234567890": {
      "allow_signup": true,

Provide a select using the following logic. Optionally, show the domain description and help signup with the select onChange() event.

// extracting app schema values for creating a signup domain dropdown

let options = []
Object.keys(domains).map((id) => {
    if (domains[id].allow_signup) {
            value: id,
            label: domains[id].title

// select.onChange event
  "domainDesc": domains[select.value].description;
  "domainHelp": domains[select.value].help;
Resetting Passwords