
Account users

Accounts can have many users. Each having different access to resources.

An account user represents the session.user and the access control privileges provided by the session.account.

How it works

When an account adds a new user, a system-generated email is sent to the user with a link to the log-in page.



Your application must have the log-in URL defined in the dashboard settings. This URL serves as the base endpoint for the link provided in the new user email.

Create a user

Submit the new user data to the API for processing. An activation email is sent to the new user with a link to your log-in page to begin the log-in process.


POST /v1/account/users
  "name": "James Doe",
  "email": ""
  "roles": [
nameRequired stringThe users real name.
emailRequired stringThe users email address.
rolesOptional arrayAn array of role ids assigned to the user.


The Account User object

// account user object
  "id": "usr_1234567890",
  "roles": [

List users

Retrieve a list of the session.account users.


GET /v1/account/users
page_sizeOptional integerThe quantity of records you want returned. The default is 25.
page_indexOptional integerThe current page index in the array of pages.
searchOptional stringThe value to search for against the specific list.
filtersOptional arrayThe filters to apply for the query (e.g. &filters[foo]=bar).
statusOptional stringactive, pending or deleted. Omit to list all users.


Returns a list array of records with the total records available for the query. The url of the current request are also included. See the pagination guide for information on paging through lists.

  "list": [ 
      "id": "rec_1234567890",
  "url": "",
  "total": 8 
List item propertyTypeDescription
idStringThe user ID.
createdIntegerThe date the relationship was created.
usernameStringThe users log-in name.
nameStringThe users real name. Required when creating the relationship. Read-only once the user logs in.
emailStringThe users email address. Required when creating the relationship. Read-only once the user logs in.
avatarStringThe URL for avatar image uploaded by the user.
editableBooleanIndicates if the system will accept edits on the particular user.
rolesArrayThe role IDs assigned by the account to the user.
roles_csvStringThe roles assigned to the user in a comma seperated string.
last_loginIntegerThe timestamp of the users last log in for the account.

Update a user

Updates user values that are related to the account relationship. See the user documentation for information on updating the session user.


POST /v1/account/users/:user_id
  "roles": [
nameOptional stringThe users real name. This value is updatable until the user is activated.
emailOptional stringThe users email address. This value is updatable until the user is activated.
resend_emailBooleanSubmitting true will resend the account activation email. This option is available until the user is activated.
rolesOptional arrayAn array of role IDs assigned to the user.

The API updates only the parameters that are submitted. Submitting an empty value deletes a parameter. If a required value is empty, the existing value is retained.


The Account user object.

// account user object
  "id": "usr_1234567890",
  "roles": [

Delete a user

Deleting an account user does not delete a user from the system. It deletes the account user relationship.


DELETE /v1/account/users/:user_id


The ID of the deleted account user.

  "id": "usr_1234567890"

Roles collection

The app schema contains roles relevant to the application version. The roles.distribution[session.account.version_id] is an array of role IDs and the roles.list contains the role information.

// app schema
  "roles": {
    "distribution": {
       "ver_1234567890": [
    "list": {
      "rol_1234567890": {
        "title": "Super User",
        "description": "The Super User can do anything on the system."

The following logic will provide data for a group of checkboxes when assigning roles.

// extracting app schema values for creating role checkboxes

Object.keys(roles.distribution[session.account.version_id]).map((id) => {
    "name": "roles",
    "value": id,
    "selected": session.user.roles.includes(id),
    "text": roles.distribution[session.account.version_id][id].title + ': ' + roles.distribution[session.account.version_id][id].description

The Account User object

An object that represents the current relationship between an account and a user.

// account user object
  "id": "usr_1234567890",
  "created": 1670636064,
  "username": "jamesdoe",
  "name": "James Doe",
  "email": "",
  "last_login": 1708348174,
  "avatar": "",
  "roles": [
  "roles_csv": "Super User, ...", 
  "editable": false
idStringThe user ID.
createdIntegerThe date the relationship was created.
usernameStringThe users log-in name.
nameStringThe users real name. Required when creating the relationship. Read-only once the user logs in.
emailStringThe users email address. Required when creating the relationship. Read-only once the user logs in.
avatarStringThe URL for avatar image uploaded by the user.
editableBooleanIndicates if the system will accept edits on the particular user.
rolesArrayThe role IDs assigned by the account to the user.
roles_csvStringThe roles assigned to the user in a comma seperated string.



The timestamp of the users last log in for the account.
