
Key Features

We'll keep it concise with no distractions.

What it does

Backstack manages backend functionality and data infrastructure for an expanding array of application functionality.

  • Authentication: Including log-in and password recovery.
  • Sign Up: New account creation with related transactional emails.
  • Account Management: Multi-user accounts with RBAC.
  • Access Control: For multi layer access configurations.
  • SaaS: Multi domain entry points with unlimited application versioning schemas.
  • Monetization: Monetize anything with automatic invoicing and optional payment processing.
  • B2B Networks: Incorporating optional revenue-sharing models.
  • Much More: We're always creating new features.

How it does it

Backstack utilizes pre-configured application schemas (via the dashboard), JSON Web Tokens (JWT), HttpOnly cookies, and API-managed user sessions. This combination provides dynamically compiled, user-specific values for seamless processing within your codebase.

GET /v1/auth/session
HTTP/2.0 200 OK
Set-Cookie: BackstackJWT=emn367db...; Secure; HttpOnly
Content-Type: application/json
  "app": {
    "id": "app_1234567890"
  "auth": false,
  "signal": "login",

With Backstack, you have the flexibility to integrate features incrementally, ensuring a smooth and controlled transition without disrupting your current workflow.

Who it's for

Backstack is designed for developers for integration into their existing codebases.

What it doesn't do

Backstack doesn't offer any HTML but provides logic and data to be utilized in the user interface layer.