
Quick start

We've streamlined the quickstart process to take just a few minutes for you to get started with the API.

Create an account

Create a developer account at to access the Backstack dashboard. Your new account will contain your first application and some global resources, providing a foundation for you to customize as needed.

Copy the application's public API key. You'll need it to make your first request. (You can integrate the app schema later.)

Request a session

Communicating with the API can be achieved directly from your frontend environment if desired. Proxies are not required, as no sensitive values are provided until after a user is fully authenticated.


  var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true);
  request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + app_public_key);
  request.withCredentials = true;
  request.credentials = 'include';


The response will include all necessary information to handle current and future requests through a JWT, which is provided in an HttpOnly cookie and automatically sent to the API upon each request.

HTTP/2.0 200 OK
Set-Cookie: BackstackJWT=emn367db...; Secure; HttpOnly
Content-Type: application/json
  "app": {
    "id": "app_1234567890"
  "auth": false,
  "signal": "login",

The response contains a Session object with an auth value of false and a signal to login.

What's next?

You've successfully set up an API connection for your first application. Now, it's time to integrate the app schema and begin the log in process.

The username and password for the new application are the same as those you provided for your developer account.

With Backstack, you have the flexibility to integrate features incrementally, ensuring a smooth and controlled transition without disrupting your current workflow.

Key Features