Core Concepts

Access control

Considered the flagship aspect of the Backstack architecture, extremely simplified access control can be achieved with minimal codebase intrusion across multiple layers of specifications simultaneously.

How it works

The computed access values specific to the active user are included in the current Session object for your processing.

Backstack employs the CRUD permission methodology, which stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete – representing the fundamental operations applicable to any model.

Validating feature access is the only requirement necessary to enforce every layer of the application environment. Backstack incorporates the application's domain, version and optional feature settings when compiling the session.access values.


GET v1/auth/session


// session object
  "access": {
    "payment-methods": "crud",
    "another-feature": "r"

The architecture


Examples using the above schema:

// pseudocode

// Result is TRUE, as the current account is subscribed to
// the Coupons optional feature and the current user has the 
// ability to delete a coupon through the Accounting role.

if hasAccess('coupons:d')
   <button>Delete Coupon</button>

// Result is FALSE, as the current version does
// not have access to the Templates feature.

if hasAccess('templates:*')
   <button>Manage Templates</button>

Validating access

Create a function in your preferred language to validate feature access based on the computed results provided in the current Session object.

// Example access control function

function hasAccess(controlString, accessGranted) {
    // Check if the controlString is "*"
    if (controlString === "*") {
        return true; // Grant access to all users

    // Split the control string into individual features and their permissions
    const controlList = controlString.split(',');

    // Iterate through each feature in the control string
    for (const control of controlList) {
        // Split each feature and its permissions
        const [feature, permissions] = control.split(':');

        // Check if the feature exists in the accessGranted object
        if (accessGranted.hasOwnProperty(feature)) {
            // If permissions is "*", consider it as a wildcard and return true
            if (permissions === "*") {
                return true;

            // Check if the user's permissions include any of the required permissions
            for (const permission of permissions) {
                if (accessGranted[feature].includes(permission)) {
                    // If any permission is granted, return true
                    return true;

    // If none of the features have been found or none of the permissions match, return false
    return false;

// Example usage:
const controlString = "*"; // Grant access to all users
const accessGranted = {feature1: "crud", feature3: "cr"};

const userHasAccess = hasAccess(controlString, accessGranted);
console.log(userHasAccess); // Output: true