
Account invoicing

Account-based invoices are automatically generated for any implemented fees, requiring no additional action on your behalf. You can display the current account invoices in your UI and process account payments automatically if desired.

List invoices

The current account invoices can be presented in your UI.


GET /v1/account/invoices
page_sizeOptional integerThe quantity of records you want returned. The default is 25.
page_indexOptional integerThe current page index in the array of pages.
searchOptional stringThe value to search for against the specific list.
filtersOptional arrayThe filters to apply for the query (e.g. &filters[foo]=bar).
statusOptional stringpaid or unpaid. Omit to list all.


Returns a list array of records with the total records available for the query. The url of the current request are also included. See the pagination guide for information on paging through lists.

  "list": [ 
      "id": "rec_1234567890",
  "url": "",
  "total": 8 
List item propertyTypeDescription
idStringThe invoice ID.

Read invoice


GET /v1/account/invoices/:id


// invoice object
  "id": "inv_1234567890",
  "description": "Invoice for Month/Year"
  "account_id": "acc_1234567890",
  "stripe_customer_id": "cust_1234567890",
  "date": 1234567890,
  "amount": 12345,
  "items": [
      "id": "ivi_1234567890",
      "description": "Monthly user fees (10 @ $15.00).",
      "amount": 15000
idStringThe invoice ID.

Update invoice

Invoices cannot be updated or deleted.

Auto-invoiced items

Invoice items are automatically generated when any of the following fees are implemented.

Version feeCollect a fee for any version of the application functionality.Implement in each domain.version.
User feeCollect a fee for each account user.Implement in each domain.version.

Optional feature fee

Collect a fee for any feature designated as optional.

Implement in each domain.version.features.

See versions and version assignment workflow for additional information.

Custom invoice items

You can create an invoice item for the current account by posting the required values to the API. The item will be included in the next account invoice.

// psuedocode
const amount = 123.45; 
const charge = await createCharge(amount);

  const result = await processFee(
    (amount * 100) * 0.035, // 3.5% of the charge amount in cents.
    "Percent of charge number " + + "."


The processFee function in the example code above would post the following:

POST /v1/account/invoice-items
  "amount": 432
  "description": "Percent of charge number chg_1234567890."
amountRequired integerThe amount (in cents) for which to create a transaction value. Submit a negative amount to perform a credit.
descriptionOptional stringAny fee description you want displayed on the invoice transaction (max 200 characters). If empty, the app title will be used.


// invoice  object
  "id": "ivi_1234567890",

Read invoice item


GET /v1/account/invoice-items/:id


// invoice item object
  "id": "ivi_1234567890",
  "account_id": "acc_1234567890",
  "amount": 432,
  "description": "Percent of charge number chg_1234567890.",
  "timestamp": 1234567890
  "invoice_id": null

Update invoice item

Invoice items serve as transactional sources of truth, and as such, they cannot be updated or deleted. To nullify an invoice item, you can create an offsetting item to eliminate its value.


// original item
POST /v1/account/invoice-items
  "amount": 1234,
  "description": "Purchase of item #12345.",

// offset item
POST /v1/account/invoice-items
  "amount": -1234,
  "description": "Refund purchase of item #12345.",


// invoice  object
  "id": "ivi_1234567890",

List invoice items

Retrieve a list of items included in an invoice or those that have not yet been invoiced by omitting the filter.


GET /v1/account/invoice-items
page_sizeOptional integerThe quantity of records you want returned. The default is 25.
page_indexOptional integerThe current page index in the array of pages.
searchOptional stringThe value to search for against the specific list.
filtersOptional arrayThe filters to apply for the query (e.g. &filters[foo]=bar).
invoice_idOptional stringThe invoice ID for which to filter the items. If omitted, all un-invoiced items will be returned.


Returns a list array of records with the total records available for the query. The url of the current request are also included. See the pagination guide for information on paging through lists.

  "list": [ 
      "id": "rec_1234567890",
  "url": "",
  "total": 8 
List item propertyTypeDescription
idStringThe invoice ID.

Processing payments


Invoice periods are determined by the account.created date and processed in thirty-day increments. Fees are prorated as required when related activity occurs between periods.


Provide your Stripe restricted key in your application settings and enable the auto invoice payment option. This will allow Backstack to perform the following on behalf of your Stripe platform account:

  • Create a Stripe customer for each invoiced account.
  • Process payments on account invoices.
  • Email invoice payment details to accounts.

Backstack does not provide functionality for further management of account payments (e.g. refunds, transfers). Use your Stripe dashboard for any additional payment management requirements.


A webhook can be sent to a URL for you to process invoice payments. The payload will contain all invoices due.

// webhook
  "invoices": [
    // invoice objects
      "id": "inv_1234567890",
Account Users