

The current session account.

The Account object

// account object
  "id": "acc_1234567890",
  "domain_id": "dom_1234567890",
  "version_id": "ver_1234567890",
idStringThe account ID.
createdIntegerThe timestamp of the account creation.
titleStringThe title of the account.
addressStringThe street address for the account.
cityStringThe address city.
stateStringThe address state.
zipStringThe address zip code.
phoneStringThe phone number for the account.
urlStringThe URL for the account website.
contact_nameStringThe contact name for the account.
contact_emailStringThe contact persons email address.
timezone_idStringThe account timezone ID.
country_idStringRequired country ID.
is_app_accountBooleanWhether the account created the app.
domain_idStringThe domain ID for which the account was created.
version_idStringThe current domain.version for which the account is operating.

Create an account

Accounts are created using the sign-up and account network workflows.

Read an account

Retrieves the current session Account object.


GET /v1/auth/account


The Account object.

You can read the session.account to get an extended version of the account object.

Update an account

Updates the current session Account object.


POST /v1/auth/account
  "title": "Acme Corp"
titleRequired string
addressOptional string
cityOptional string
stateOptional string
zipOptional string
phoneOptional string
urlRequired string
contact_nameRequired string
contact_emailOptional string
timezone_idOptional stringSee the timesones resource for more information.
country_idRequired stringSee the countries resource for more information.

The API updates only the parameters that are submitted. Submitting an empty value deletes a parameter. If a required value is empty, the existing value is retained.


The Account object.

Delete an account

Deletes an account and expires the session.


DELETE /v1/auth/account


Returns the deleted account id.

Version Assignment