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Version Assignment


This document has not been updated since version 0.0.3 and is not ready for production. It will be updated before version 1.0 of the project is released.

Offer an interface for users to modify their application version.

Allowing accounts to select versions

The app schema contains versions relevant to the accounts domain. The domains.[session.account.domain_id] is an array of version IDs and their values contain the version information.

// app schema object
  "dom_1234567890": {
    "ver_1234567890": {
      "title": "Basic",
      "description": "Everything needed to get started."

The following will provide values for a group of radios for allowing selection of the application version.


Submit the selected version ID to the API for processing.

POST /v1/account/versions/:version_id


The selected Version object.

// version object
  "id": "ver_1234567890",
  "title": "App",
  "description": "Version for the main application.",
  "tag": "v1",
  "is_default": 1,
  "status": "active",
  "features": [
      "id": "fea_1234567890",
      "title": "Account",
      "human_id": "account"
idStringThe version ID.
titleStringThe title of the version.
descriptionStringThe description iof the version.
tagStringThe sort tag associated with the version.
is_defaultBooleanWhether the version is the default when signing up.
statusStringThe status of the version (active or inactive). An inactive version haa no accounts subscribed.
featuresArrayAn array of features included in the version.
features.idStringThe feature ID.
features.titleStringThe title of the feature.
features.human_idStringThe human-readable ID.