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Managing Resource Usage


This document has not been updated since version 0.0.3 and is not ready for production. It will be updated before version 1.0 of the project is released.

Backstack offers a variety of methods for managing resource usage within your codebase.


Counters are defined in the Backstack dashboard for use in any of your applications. Initiate a counter on events you want to track for future usage assessment.

// pseudocode

<button onClick="updateFooCount(1)">Add Foo</button>

<button onClick="updateFooCount(-1)">Delete Foo</button>

The session.account.counters is an array of aggregated values for the current account.

// session object
  "account": {
    "counters": {
      "foo": 23,

See the counters resource for more information.

Account stats

The session.account.stats array contains system-generated values you can use for managing resource usage.

// session object
  "account": {
    "stats": {
      "users": 5,
      "children": 4,
      "optional_features": 2

See the account stats resource for more information.