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Backstack is a backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform designed for developers, offering pre-built application functionalities through an intelligent API.

Developers specify their application requirements using an online dashboard and then integrate session-specific values provided by the API into their codebase.


Backstack offers the flexibility to seamlessly integrate its features into your existing workflow, allowing for a smooth and controlled transition without any disruptions.

The Ecosystem

Backstack is a comprehensive ecosystem that encompasses a wide range of common features and advanced processes required in frontend development.

Common Features

  • Log in
  • Forgot password
  • Sign up
  • Account management
  • Multi-user environments
  • Application UI tips
  • Application alerts and user notification management

Access Control

  • Session-specific RBAC
  • Multi-domain application environments
  • Configured application feature access


  • SaaS application versioning
  • In-app feature integration
  • Account B2B networking with optional revenue sharing
  • Account invoicing and payments