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This document has not been updated since version 0.0.3 and is not ready for production. It will be updated before version 1.0 of the project is released.

Regardless of the level of functionality your application utilizes, everything revolves around defining and implementing features. This method of access control serves numerous levels of functionality with a straightforward implementation.

As a developer, you won't need to concern yourself with domains, versioning, RBAC, SaaS, or other access schemas. You'll simply designate portions of your codebase by the functionality it provides, define a label, and assign CRUD permissions.

See the feature architecture for more information.

Defining features

Use the Backstack dashboard to define codebase features.

Identify feature labels based on common codebase logic. Note that CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) permissions will be assigned elsewhere, and you'll be integrating feature access control throughout your codebase.


Example common features

The following features could be used in almost every application.

Human IDNote
accountsCould be used for account networking (account creation). A better label would be network-accounts.
account-profileProvides access to information that would not be considered sensitive. Permissions read and update would be applicable.
account-usersAccess to account users. Permission update would provide access to role assignments.
paymentsCRUD permissions will work fine here. Permission delete could be considered a refund.

Example multi-domain features

These features would be used for apps with domains having customer related functionality.

Human IDNote
accounts-receivableProvides access to invoicing and receivables functionality.
customersAllows for CRUD permissions to manage customer profiles, etc.
customer-paymentsA more distinct layer of customer management.

Example domain-specific features

Creating domain-specific features is a common practice, and these features are likely to be app-specific as well.

Human IDNote
driver-testsWould be used for a state agencies that issues drivers licenses.
acme-corpFeatures reserved for clint-specific applications.

Granting role access

Grant permission-based feature access to roles using the Backstack dashboard. Once defined, these schemas are available for use on any application.

See the access control page for additional information.

Optional features

Features can be independently offered, providing additional account-level options beyond the current version functionality. Use optional features for offering unique functionality that might not be suitable for all accounts in the version schema.

Using the Backstack dashboard, designate a feature as being optional when prescribing features to app versions. If a feature is offered optionally, the account needs to subscribe to the feature to access its functionality.

See the optional feature workflow for incorporating optional features into your UI.

Monetizing optional features

Invoice items are automatically generated when any of the following fees are implemented.

Version feeCollect a fee for any version of the application functionality.Implement in each domain.version.
User feeCollect a fee for each account user.Implement in each domain.version.
Optional feature feeCollect a fee for any feature designated as optional.Implement in each domain.version.features.

See invoicing-accounts for additional information.

Identifying codebase features

Your codebase already contains many features. Identifying them is simply a matter of wrapping existing code within access controlled blocks that will be enforced by your access control function.

Identifying features is the only requirement necessary to enforce every layer of the application environment. Backstack incorporates the application's domain, version and module settings when compiling the session.access values.

Example codebase implementations

// pseudocode
if (hasAccess("payment-settings:*")) {
  <a href="/payment-settings">Payment Settings</a>;


// pseudocode
let routes = [
	"home": "/",
	"payment-settings": "/payment-settings",

	delete routes['payment-settings']


// pseudocode
if (hasAccess("payment-settings:u")) {
  <button>Update Payment Settings</button>;

if (hasAccess("payment-settings:d")) {
  <button>Delete Payment Settings</button>;